Sweet Candy Bouquet

Sweet Candy Bouquet

Sweet Candy Bouquet

Sweet Candy Bouquet

Orchid Splendour

AED 295.05

Simple and elegant. A spectacle of beauty and fresh color, this bouquet of cymbidium orchids is a picture perfect way to convey your every emotion. Elegant jade green cymbidium orchids, known for their longevity and stunning sophistication, are arranged to create an exceptional flower arrangement. Glass Vase Included

Availability: In stock


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Simple and elegant. A spectacle of beauty and fresh color, this bouquet of cymbidium orchids is a picture perfect way to convey your every emotion.


Elegant jade green cymbidium orchids, known for their longevity and stunning sophistication, are arranged to create an exceptional flower arrangement.

Glass Vase Included

Delivery Instruction

Delivery in Dubai and Sharjah will be made via our temperature controlled chiller van.

Other Emirates will be delivered using a temperature controlled chiller van courier and will be same day if ordered before 11.00am and next day delivery service if ordered after 11.00am

Whilst every effort is made to supply items as specified, the contents of each gift are subject to availability. Mange Tout Gifts Trading LLC reserves the right to substitute any items where appropriate, and guarantee that all replacements are of equal or greater value.

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